Technical and health care IT skills (7+ years’ experience)
HL7 version 2.x messaging (7+ years)
HL7 FHIR (7+ years)
CDA standards and related document types (7+ years)
Health care vocabularies; LONIC, SNOMED, RxNorm (7+ years)
Health Information Exchange (HIE) technology (7+ years)
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) (7+ years)
Implementing solutions based on Implementation Guides (7+ years)
Java script programming (7+ years)
SQL and XML (7+ years)
Using latest Orion Health Rhapsody Integration Engine (7.x)
Using Rhapsody Developer Kit (RDK) to create custom filters, mappers, etc.
Custom message payload translation from one format (e.g., JSON, XML, HL7) to a different format (e.g., proprietary/legacy format)
Experience using web services, SOAP, REST, OAUTH, TCP-connections, LLP, etc.
Experience using transport encryption/security; TLS, mutual authorization via certificates, etc.