Position Title: Instructor or Assistant Professor/Three Year Term/Secondary Education with Emphasis in Disciplinary Literacy
Department: Education/Ldrshp/Pblc Srs Schl
Term of Assignment: Three Year Term
FLSA Status: Exempt = not eligible for overtime
Salary: Competitive
Travel: No travel
Brief Statement of Duties: The Three Year Term appointment will begin in August 2025. Duties include teaching undergraduate courses in secondary disciplinary literacy methods, general secondary methods with an emphasis in meeting required educator preparation standards for the state of Michigan, and supervision of student teachers.
Undergraduate methods courses will incorporate field-based apprenticeships in local secondary schools, so the ability to work collaboratively with PK-12 colleagues is required. The assignment may also include online teaching of graduate courses in reading, disciplinary literacy, and young adult literature.
Additionally, the candidate is expected to contribute to service at the department level.
This on-campus position requires collaboration with the Director of Field Experiences and faculty who teach secondary, subject-area methods.
Minimum Qualifications
Required Education: Master's Degree
Discipline / Degree Area: Secondary Education Literacy/Reading or related fields
Required Specialized Training/Certifications:
An earned master's degree in secondary literacy/reading or related area is required for rank of Instructor.
An earned doctorate (or dissertation near completion with degree earned before appointment) in secondary literacy/reading or related area is required for rank of Assistant Professor.
An official transcript of the highest degree earned must be received by August 15, 2025.
Required Minimum Work Experience: 3 years of of successful full-time teaching experience in secondary classroom teaching
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, or Attributes Required for Satisfactory Performance of the Position Duties:
Ability to articulate the necessary elements of a classroom setting that supports learner development in culturally responsive ways.
Knowledge of current research related to secondary education literacy methods, curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Experience integrating secondary reading/literacy best practices in secondary content areas/disciplines.
Ability to explicitly name, describe, and model the dispositions, patterns of thinking, and strategies for reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and visually representing that are typical for each secondary content area/discipline.
Knowledge of International Literacy Association (ILA) and Michigan Disciplinary Literacy standards for secondary teachers.
Ability to articulate the importance of preparing all secondary education teachers to recognize and address students’ literacy development needs specific to their respective discipline.
Evidence of teaching excellence.
Ability to establish and maintain effective work relationships with students, faculty, staff, and PK-12 school partners.
Ability to effectively communicate orally, by phone, in person, and in writing
Additional Desirable Qualifications:
Doctorate in secondary reading/literacy education or related field.
Experience in teaching in a university setting.
Experience teaching in an online setting.
Experience and willingness to supervise student teachers.
Experience in field-based teacher education programs.
Experience or willingness to develop expertise in dyslexia.
Experience engaging in reflection throughout instructional planning, teaching, and selection of texts and materials to advance student learning and improve teaching practices.
Expertise in using technology for teaching and learning.
Participation in professional organizations (e.g., International Literacy Association, etc.)
Special Instructions to Applicants: Applicant materials to include faculty application, Cover Letter, CV, and unofficial transcripts.
Contact Information: Christi Edge - Chair, [email protected]
Equal Employment Opportunity: NMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer of protected veterans and individuals with disabilities, and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its employees.