This Financial Analyst position will perform assignments for the Bureau of State and Authority Finance and the Michigan Finance Authority. Performs assignments related to the issuance of State and Authority bonds and notes, credit evaluations, and bond and note structuring for Michigan Finance Authority loan programs. Performs assignments related to monitoring compliance with bond documents and payment obligations and prepares materials and updates information for program loan cycles. Performs other bond and financial related assignments for the Bureau of State and Authority Finance, State Finance Division and Authority Finance Division, Michigan Finance Authority Board members, and Bureau customers. Supports Treasury’s overall goals, strategic planning, employee engagement and continuous improvement activities. Performs other assignments as needed for the Bureau of State and Authority Finance and the Treasury Executive Office.
PLEASE NOTE: New State of Michigan employees, new to the Financial Analyst classification will receive a one-time signing bonus of $2,500.
The bonus will be paid out as $1,250 gross pay adjustment on the employee's first pay warrant and the remaining $1,250 will be paid upon completion of one year (2,080 hours) of satisfactory service. If the employee leaves within one year of the appointment, they will be required to pay back the entire bonus. Current or previous career employees are ineligible.