Job Code Number
Job Duties: Cleaning guest rooms; turning down beds; and cleaning public areas of residences. No prior experience or education is required.
Job opportunity is temporary and full-time. Five (5) positions open Position Requirements: No prior experience or education is required
Employer's name and contact information: Sunset Condominiums, Inc., d/b/a Mackinac Resorts,8704 Eckel Drive, 1376 Hoban Drive, and 101 Main Street, Mackinac Island, MI 49757, 906-847-8077, On the job training will not be provided
Equipment/tools/supplies will be provided at no cost
Housing available at $75/week, is optional, and will be deducted from bi-weekly payroll in addition to other deductions authorized by law.
Board and fringe benefits not provided
Worksite Locations: Mackinac Resorts, 8704 Eckel Drive, 1376 Hoban Drive, and 101 Main Street, Mackinac Island, MI 49757 during period of employment
Period of employment: Seven (7) + months (4/01/2025 to 10/3 l /2025)
Employer will offer 40 hours per week. Full time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Days of week vary. Business is open 7 days a week.
Rate of Pay: $16.00 per hour
Overtime: $24.00 per hour as applicable
A single work week will be used for computing wages due Workers will be paid bi-weekly
Employer will make all deductions from the worker's paycheck required by law.
Employer will reimburse worker bi-weekly by company check separately from payroll for inbound transportation, the cost of one piece of luggage and subsistence from the place from which the worker has come to work for the employer to the place of employment, if the worker completes 50% of the period of employment covered by the job order
114026.000001 4907-3940-7105. l
Employer will pay for the worker's cost of return transportation, the cost of one piece of luggage, and daily subsistence from the place of employment to the place from which the worker departed to work for the employer, if the worker completes the certified period of employment or is dismissed from employment for any reason by the employer before the end of the period
Employer will not provide daily transportation to and from the work site
If the worker completes 50% of the work contract period, employer will arrange and pay directly for transportation and subsistence from the place of recruitment to the place of work. Upon completion of the work contract or where the worker is dismissed earlier, employer will provide or pay for worker's reasonable costs of return transportation and subsistence back home or to the place the worker originally departed to work, except where the worker will not return due to subsequent employment with another employer or where the employer reported a worker's voluntary abandonment of employment. The amount of transportation payment or reimbursement will be equal to the most economical and reasonable common carrier for the distances involved. Daily subsistence will be provided at a rate of $15.88 per day during travel to a maximum of $59.00 per day with receipts.
Employer will reimburse the H-2B worker by company check separately from payroll in the first work week for all visa, visa processing, border crossing and other related fees, including those mandated by the government, incurred by the H-2B worker (not including passport expenses or other charges primarily for the benefit of the worker).
Employer guarantees to offer the worker employment or payment for a total number of work hours equal to at least three-fourths (75%) of the workdays of each 12-week period.
This job order is placed in connection with a future application for H-2B workers.
Please apply at your local Michigan Works office, located here: Michigan Works! 10 North State Street, Saint Ignace, MI 49781; (906) 643-8158 or michigan-works/one-stop-service-centers